(放) place; put ① 檢查者的拇指或手指直接擺在二頭肌肌腱上,而后叩擊它。① The examiners thumb or finger is placed directly on the biceps tendon, and percussion is applied to it.② 把試管擺在試管架上。② Put the test tubes on the shelf.③ 在廣東果子貍被看做......(本文共 366 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 (放) place; put ① 檢查者的拇指或手指直接擺在二頭肌肌腱上,而后叩擊它。① The examiners thumb or finger is placed directly on the biceps tendon, and percussion is applied to it.② 把試管擺在試管架上。② Put the test tubes on the shelf.③ 在廣東果子貍被看做......(本文共 366 字) [閱讀本文] >>